Therapy Biztech

What is it?
Therapy Biztech refers to using technology to improve the efficiency and profitability of your therapy business.

Opening Soon! Free Training for Private Practice Therapists

Are you a Private Practice Therapist?

The training offered on this site is for private practice therapists working in healthcare and social services. It will be most helpful for small business owners who are speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, phychologists, counsellors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, dietitians, behaviour analysts and so on.

Anna Krueger Founder Therapy Biztech

Anna Krueger, MSc
Strategy Consultant, Therapy Biztech

Welcome to Therapy Biztech! 

I'm here to help you gain fulfillment, freedom and flexibility as a private practice therapist. 

Fulfillment comes from working with your ideal caseload, helping your clients get meaningful clinical outcomes. If you want that, you need a website that will pull your ideal caseload toward your practice.

Freedom and flexibility result from consistent income streams that don't rely on selling your time by the hour. You can gain passive income without the hassle of subcontractors by offering your clients access to online curriculum.

Imagine a better future for yourself. It starts by learning biztech skills.

Copyright 2023 - 2024 Therapy Biztech
Therapy Biztech is located in British Columbia, Canada
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