Telepractice Services

Telepractice Services

What if my private practice clients do not want telepractice services?

If you are trying to establish on online caseload, you can offer a free consult by webcam. During the pandemic, private practice therapists discovered that there are a lot of people who don't want telepractice services because they don't meet the prerequisites.

Three Prerequisites for Telepractice Services

1. A strong high-speed Internet connection.
2. A computer or tablet with a webcam.
3. Computer skills or a reliable helper with the necessary skills.

Because you are a kind-hearted therapist, you might give up on your business model and resort to home visits. The people who are finding your website are desperate for your help. I was in private practice for more than 35 years, so I know all the pitfalls.

It is more professional to be proactive and define your ideal caseload, define the problems that you treat and define your methods. If telepractice service delivery is your method, announce it!

All your communication with leads, referral sources and prospects should be consistent and clear so that you don’t collect inappropriate referrals.

Use messages that pull the right leads toward your business.
Many members of the public don’t know about the benefits of telepractice services. Educate your website visitors by explaining how telepractice offers unique solutions.

Some Benefits of Telepractice Services

Safety: During a health crisis, telepractice service delivery is a safe option.

Flexible scheduling: People who work part time might be relieved to have evening appointments by telepractice. People who work shifts can still get therapy.

Expertise: Clients can get expert help which is not available locally. Less experienced members of the intervention team can be mentored.

Access: People in remote locations can be well supported. People who don’t drive can access therapy.

Efficiency: Sessions will take place consistently and there are very few no-shows. None of the funding is wasted on travel costs.

I teach private practice therapists how to manage their own website and marketing using the AttractWell platform. You can create a page on your website with frequently asked questions about your service model. You could write a short blog post for each of the benefits of your telepractice service. If you create this type of content for your website, people searching for telepractice services will find your website. In other words, you can use inbound marketing to pull ideal leads toward your business. When your leads and your caseload match, people won't tell you to change your service model.