About Anna

I help private practice therapists become tech savvy, confident entrepreneurs who know how to manage their website and marketing, so they gain a reliable income selling their expertise rather than their time.

Anna Krueger teaches therapy biztech

Anna Krueger, Founder

I'm a former private practice speech language pathologist from Canada. I have two intersecting skill sets. I'm a clinical professional and an online entrepreneur. It's rare to find someone like me. I'm not someone giving advice without practical experience.

I'm someone who has forged a trail.

I spent more than 35 years building tech integrations for my business. I became adept with WordPress, Thrive Themes, Gravity Forms, Acuity Scheduling, and Freshbooks, plus a bunch of other software programs and apps. I learned how to build marketing and client care automations in Active Campaign. My stats showed that I was in the top 30% of Active Campaign users in the world!
In March of 2020, the COVID pandemic forced people to search for online services. I was swamped with referrals because my website featured the keywords, online speech language therapy and online literacy apps. My domain and my blog posts were ranking high in search engines. My emotional reaction wasn't what you would expect. I felt regretful. Why did I feel this way? 

Early in my career as an SLP, I longed to be a successful entrepreneur, but back then I didn't know how.

I started a private practice right after I graduated. It took up tons of my time and didn't make much money.

So...to make money, I worked as a casual employee in health departments and schools. I needed the flexibility to be home part-time with our children. After a few months, the maternity leave would be over, the regular employee would return to work and...

I'd be out of a job. Again.

Because I was not building up any seniority in the labour union, I got laid off over and over. It was deeply disappointing. The quality of my reports and my clinical outcomes did not matter in these public jobs. In one five year period, I was laid off eight times! I became reclusive, avoiding staff rooms and eating lunch at my desk or in my car. 

The thread of joy that kept me in my clinical field was my private practice. Being an entrepreneur sustained me during those years. My private clients acknowledged my capabilities as a therapist. It is because of them that I didn't burn out and leave the profession. After 25 years of trying to do both public and private practice, I picked the one that I loved. 

In the last 10 years, I  finally transformed my business into an efficient and profitable private practice.

So...that's why I created Therapy Biztech. When I was swamped with referrals at the beginning of the pandemic, I didn't need the work. Younger therapists needed these referrals.

Motivated to Teach Biztech

Why I was Having Success

I was having success as an online entrepreneur because I was using software workflows in my business. I didn't need employees to answer the phone, manage appointments or file paperwork. Everything was systematized, letting me run my private practice with ease. 

My private practice was based on selling expertise, rather than selling time. I used a daily therapy curriculum plus consultation sessions, rather than using my sessions to deliver curriculum. I based my contracts on monthly flat rates which included the curriculum, all the licenses, all the reports and all the consultation. Anyone on the treatment team could consult with me in a webcam session.

Why Other Therapists were Struggling

In 2019, I interviewed private practice therapists about their needs. They had one income stream, that is, selling services by the hour. They were selling their time. When they ran out of time, they had nothing left to sell. 

The new therapists thought that the best way to grow their business was to hire subcontractors. Their hope was to make a profit on the hours worked by their subcontractors. But...I also interviewed experienced therapists who already had subcontractors. Guess what?

These business owners were discouraged. They told me that finding and keeping subcontractors was time-consuming. When subcontractors resigned, the owners were assuming the clinical caseload on short notice, knowing that their administrative responsibilities would still be looming. They didn't have work-life balance.They were working evenings, weekends and through meals in order to meet all their obligations.They were struggling because their time was in high demand.

I concluded that I didn't want to try teaching busy private practice therapists to integrate workflows into a WordPress website. They would need to build integrations and automations inside other software programs, and then link them with WordPress. I knew they didn't have the time to master the necessary tech skills. 

What Therapists Really Wanted

I tried pivoting. Perhaps offering inspiration would work. 

I created an online masterclass for a small cohort of speech language pathologists. It was a six week course which revealed how to structure a private practice to make a profit. They gave me valuable feedback. The training was inspiring, but they wanted to know specifics! They wanted to know how I was creating all my workflows. I felt stuck. 

They really wanted a way to get automations working in their own private practice. They wanted to know how to become online entrepreneurs. I had to figure out how to deliver the training that they really wanted.

How can I help therapists become online entrepreneurs?

An Ideal Website Builder for Therapists

My Search

Between 2020 and 2022, I searched for a website builder for therapists. It had to be affordable, simple and reliable. Unfortunately, the simple ones like Wix and Squarespace didn't have the functions that a therapist would need in order to build a successful online business. Adding functions was sometimes not possible. Therapists would have to start over with a new platform if the business grew. 

When adding functions was possible, it was expensive, complicated, and unstable. 

Benefits of the AttractWell Platform

My search ended when I found the AttractWell platform. If you are a private practice therapist, you can use AttractWell to build a professional website. You can add business technology without extra fees or frustration. All the necessary functions are there. Even a pro license for Zoom is included. You might not be enthusiastic about telepractice. I'm not a fan of relying on webcam sessions to deliver therapy either.

Asynchronous Therapy with a Signature System 

I prefer having a signature system that clients can access by logging into a platform. This lets them work on their goals at their own pace. Children on my caseload completed 30 minutes of intensive therapy five days a week.  I was giving them access to well-designed clinical software. I didn't create it; I just purchased it and provided the login. The parents created a practice schedule and provided encouragement. We used Zoom sessions to address questions, solve problems and celebrate progress.

This model of therapy is called asynchronous therapy. It is highly convenient for clients and it provides a flexible schedule for therapists. The clinical outcomes tend to be excellent because clients can see the milestones. They know they are making progress. In my experience, using curriculum plus consultation is the best way to create an efficient, profitable private practice. I'm very excited to tell you that AttractWell has a feature called vaults. You can create online courses and therapy workbooks and put them in a vault. Your videos are hosted in AttractWell, not on YouTube or some other platform.

Each of your clients can have an individual vault, essentially a confidential portal, or...
you can offer group programs that include a discussion forum and live group sessions.

AttractWell is just right for private practice therapists. Perhaps you already have a signature system. I'm hoping you will let me guide you in becoming an online entrepreneur using all the tools in this platform.

Here is my link to a special offer from AttractWell.

The Biztech Blueprint for Therapists

The internet is full of people who claim that they can help you build your business. Most of these business coaches are not therapists. They emphasize sales funnels and social media. Wrong! Let me tell you why.

A typical sales funnel doesn't work for therapists:
  • our actual clients are often children, the disadvantaged, the injured, the illiterate and so on. They will be leads but they will never progress down the funnel and become paying clients.
  • we have third party payers who provide the funding for our services, but most of them never explore our website and so they don't enter our contact database as leads.
  • therapy isn't a one-time purchase. With organized case management, accountability and financial tracking, you can keep clients for years.
Social media can get you in trouble:
  • clinical professionals are bound by privacy protection laws. 
  • you can't use testimonials that reveal the identity of your clients. 
  • you have to know where your data is stored. 
My approach will help you avoid mistakes.

I call my method The Biztech Blueprint for Therapists. 

Following the sequential steps in my BizTech Blueprint for Therapists will help you build a website that works 24/7, so you don't have to! No one else can give you the blueprint that I will give you. I will help you create a website that you can manage yourself, now and in the future.

Even though your curiosity might motivate you to start exploring the platform, don't start building your website right away.

Other Training Doesn't Help You Make Progress

If you are trying to follow typical business coaches, the volume of useless information that you are trying to digest is enormous. You can waste a lot of time and money if you don't know what's important. It doesn't help you achieve your goals. You just find yourself on a steep learning curve that results in stress. 

Don't blame tech. The real problem is the volume of useless information that you are trying to learn.

My Training Helps you Make Progress on your Goals 

In contrast, when you know what is important, you can focus. You can safely ignore all the distracting advice. I'm an experienced therapist who will guide you step by step. My approach will help you make progress on your goals.

Therapy Biztech makes it easy to you to focus on what is important to learn so you can achieve your goals.

Why only the AttractWell platform?

Even though you might already have a website on a different platform, I'm not interesting in helping you solve the tech problems you are having with that platform. I'm sorry. It sounds harsh, I know. I'm deeply sorry. I understand your frustration because I've been through it.

It is actually very difficult to teach technology skills in an online course. Making videos that show the steps is risky because all tech changes quickly. The recordings might be obsolete before I finish editing them.

I decided to align my training with the AttractWell platform for two reasons.

First of all, I know you will love the AttractWell platform. The developers have created a brilliant product that they stand behind with outstanding customer support. It has all the functions that a therapist needs, presented in a user-friendly dashboard. Not only does it include a professional Zoom account, you also get a business phone number that you can forward to your cell. You can send email sequences or text messages and keep track of all your communication with clients. It even lets you create and sell online courses. It eliminates the problem of tech that won't integrate with other tech.

Secondly, it makes it easy for me to assist you. I can build pages in AttractWell and share my templates with you using a code. You can import this template into your own account. This import won't erase other pages that you are happy with. It just adds the content that I am giving you. With a few edits, you will have content that you like. Just hit publish. 

Wow, right? Immediate success! No mistakes. No wasted time. No more tech overwhelm.

AttractWell has an introductory offer of $1 for the first month. Go ahead and explore the features. If you want my templates and my step-by-step help, sign up for the Biztech Blueprint for Therapists.

Copyright 2023 - 2024 Therapy Biztech
Therapy Biztech is located in British Columbia, Canada
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